Tower Of Solace
Tower Of Solace
Do you have a wish or desire you want to come true at all costs? The Tower of Solace will grant you that if you can make it to the top. Serena wakes up in the tower, coming from a life she hated. Now she'll climb the tower to create a life she will never regret.
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5 - masterpiece
4.5 - almost masterpiece
4 - really good
3.5 - good
3 - normal
2.5 - almost bad
2 - really bad
1.5 - horrible
1 - avoid at all costs
Manga Stats
How the rating works?
You can change the rating by clicking the rating icons!
5 - masterpiece
4.5 - almost masterpiece
4 - really good
3.5 - good
3 - normal
2.5 - almost bad
2 - really bad
1.5 - horrible
1 - avoid at all costs